An Indy 500 Road Trip

Overview A trip to the Indy 500 was a bucket list item for us and one of our sons (who has gone every year for over 15 years) finally got us to plan a trip out to this enormous event. We put in our request for tickets in June of 2023 through the Indianapolis Motor Speedway website.   In September we were notified we'd been granted 2 tickets and so we began laying out a trip [...]

A Slow Meandering Trip to South Florida

Overview It's early spring in Virginia in March and Nancy and I have gotten cabin fever after being home for 3+ months from our 6 1/2-month cross country road trip to Alaska and we ready to hit the road once again. This short 1-month trip down through the south enabled us to experience spring through summer and then back to spring again while we travelled down to south Florida and back to our home in [...]

By |2023-05-26T09:55:47-05:00May 2, 2023|Florida, Georgia, Road Trips, USA Travel, Virginia|1 Comment

Shenandoah Valley Getaways – A Local’s Guide

  Overview We live a few miles outside of Round Hill Virginia up on the Blue Ridge and this is within easy striking distance of a great deal of the Shenandoah Valley area of Virginia. I grew up in this area of the country but have travelled widely across North America, and I still believe that the Shenandoah Valley is still one of the most beautiful areas. The last few years we have been  road [...]

By |2023-05-26T09:57:14-05:00February 10, 2023|Road Trips, USA Travel, Virginia|0 Comments

Stop 1: Marion, VA (The 2021 10 week Road Trip)

Let us introduce you to our travel mascot, Roadie.  We aren't 100% sure whether its male or female, a moose or a reindeer - but it doesn't matter.  It's just Roadie.  Roadie has the best seat and view in the car, right in front of our GPS (we refer to as Gloria). Roadie is excited for what should be the first of many road trip adventures with us. This is the first day of our [...]

By |2021-12-08T11:41:06-05:00September 15, 2021|USA Travel, Virginia|4 Comments

An Epic 10 Week Southern and Southwest Road Trip

We originally planned to fly into Rome and road trip over a few weeks up to Venice where we were going to catch an 8 country Mediterranean cruise. We waited until the first week of August before bailing out of this trip (too many Covid restrictions in place). This left us trying to figure out what travel we wanted to do this fall. On Monday, we cancelled out of our European vacation and started the [...]

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