Our 6 Month Key West to Deadhorse Alaska Road Trip Part 2

In our part one post we covered the first leg of our Key West to Deadhorse Adventure which took us from our home in Virginia down to Key West and Back. The second leg of this adventure covered in this post takes us from Virginia out to Bellingham Washington where we will catch the Alaska Ferry up to Alaska. Normally, we don't travel cross country at this pace, but the wedding described in first post [...]

Our Upcoming 6 Month Key West to Alaska Road Trip

Background We have always dreamed of an Alaska road trip but given its distance from our home and the geographic size of this destination, we intentionally left this off the plate until we had time to do it right. So now that we're both retired and have more flexibility, it was time and as a result, we have put a travel framework in place where we will leave in the spring and return home just [...]

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